Myrtle Beach Wrongful Death Attorneys Regina B. Ward Call Us For Help

Compassionate and Aggressive Myrtle Beach Wrongful Death Attorney

An unanticipated death is a shattering experience for loved ones. But if anything indicates that someone else’s negligence, recklessness or criminal intent may have caused a loss of life, an independent investigation is crucial.

After a fatal accident in Myrtle Beach – such as a car, truck or slip-and-fall accident – surviving family members may be able to seek compensation from responsible parties for their losses. Payments from liability insurance could replace the wages of a breadwinner, pay medical and funeral costs, and compensate you for your loss.

An individual, business or other kind of organization with responsibility for a wrongful death has a legal obligation to make things right financially for survivors of the deceased. The Law Firm of Regina B. Ward, LLC works with grieving families in the Myrtle Beach area of South Carolina to obtain compensation they have a right to receive after the unjust death of a loved one.

Attorney Regina Ward and her team of legal professionals are experienced fighters for those whose death is caused by others’ negligence. If you have lost a loved one under questionable circumstances, contact the Law Firm of Regina B. Ward today. The firm’s team can provide a free, confidential and frank assessment of your legal options for seeking payment for your loss.